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Defensive Post Thoughts

•   Transition: Immediately upon losing possession of the ball, turn and sprint 3 full strides,
    then find your man and the ball. Maintain your vision of both man and ball as you assume
    an up and on the line defensive position. Take on the offensive post at the free throw line,
    absolutely do not allow the offensive post to establish a low post position without
•   If two post defenders are defending the opponents post players, they can exchange men in
    transition if necessary. We want to switch back at the earliest available time.
•   Denial stance: position on and up the line with back facing the ball and a forearm on the
    offensive players hip when the ball is on top.
•   Play 3/4 to high side on medium to high post with ball on the top, play 3/4 low side if the
    ball is below the top of the key extended. The greatest key in defending the high to medium
    post is taking away the roll into the low post area.
•   Absolutely do not get sealed on the high side of the post, if sealed, immediately release and
    spin to reestablish position. We cannot and will not give-up baseline angles to the basket.
•   If playing behind an offensive low post, initiate defensive position on the high side to force
    the post to come off the lane (taking the post out of his comfort zone), on the pass or dribble
    below the top of key extended jump behind to establish playing behind position. Keep your
    hands up and use your lower body to keep post out of scoring area.
•   Offensive low post catches, jump back to create cushion so as not to give up an angle to
    basket, umbrella ball on all power moves or shots attempted in the paint, contest turn around
    jump shots.
•   Absolutely no inside help up on dribble penetration to the middle. Fake at the dribbler, but
    do not help up, try and force the dribbler to pull-up and shoot the jump shot.
•   Do not give-up easy scores, do not give-up angles to basket, do not sell out by lunging for
    the pass.
•   Emphasize positioning without FOULING. We do not want to foul.
•   Keep the offensive post in jail when he is caught behind the basket, keep your hands up and
    umbrella the ball.
•   On a pass to the top, and low post attempts to seal out vs. our dead front, we want to fight
    under the low post and push him up the lane as much as possible, and then fight to deny the
    high low pass. We will take away angles to basket in this fashion. If the post is a good
    sealer, we may have to play behind to take away the seal-out.
•   On all skip passes, go under low post on baseline side to take away easy score. Work from
    the baseline up because there is no help here.
•   Post flashes: on all flashes meet the offensive post with your chest in a denial position, do
    not give up paint. If the post is a good athlete, body him up immediately and treat him as a
    cutter off of a screen. We want to establish a physical presence without fouling.
•   Cross Screen: immediately tag the cutter’s low/baseline hip, the low cut has been taken
    away by our tagging the cutter, and if the cutter makes a high cut over top of the screen, we
    must use his momentum to ride him over the screen. The screener defender must open to
    the ball, so as to see both the ball and the screening action, and protect the basket as well as
    to give momentary help to a high cut prior to recovering.
•   Fighting screens: get your forearm up to tag the screen, do not allow the screener to get into
    your feet, get big, be ultra aggressive, refuse to be screened.
•   We employ three methods of defending screens on the ball, determined by our opponents
    skill level and their position on the floor. 1) Screens that occur outside the three point arc
    are defended primarily by sliding through or under the screen, our screener defender must
    loosen-up and give our defender room to slide through while favoring the direction of the
    ball handler. We are now in a position to help on the screen and take away the roll to the
    basket. 2) Screens occurring inside the arc or with a ball handler that can score off the
    dribble behind the arc, we trap and recover. We do not allow the ball to get to the screen,
    and then upon stopping the ball we must sprint to recover. The greatest key to the trap and
    recover method is our helping the helper action. 3) We can also flatten the screen; we use
    this method as an alternative vs. a post who is a very good screener on the ball and can then
    score off the screen by stepping out or rolling to the basket. Our screener defender will
    push the screener out as far as possible, using his chest and lower body, keeping his hands
    out of the play, this disallows the screener to roll, and the ball defender slides under the
•   Help with your body, not with your hands, the key is to now recover to where the offensive
    man is, not where he has been.
•   We closeout with high hands, this is of even greater importance to our post players. Smaller
    players will always attempt to drive it on a post closeout, we want to closeout short to take
    away the drive but with high hands to defend the shot or pass.
•   Talk: be a communicator by talking to your teammates on all screening action, cuts,
    helping situations, and position. Talk is the glue to our defense.
•   Hold the lane vs. a post that steps out and cannot score from the perimeter. Give help to the

Defensive Developmental Drills for Post Players:

•   1/1 with no hands (wing to top passes).
•   1/1 Skip Pass (use air dummy).
•   4/1 Live (live for 30 seconds)
•   2/3 Help on Baseline Drive
•   4/2 Post (two post players)
•   2/2 Screening Situations (cross screen, back screen, down screen, flare screen)
•   2/2 Inside with 3 Release (live for 30 seconds)
•   Ball Screens (trap and recover & flatten the screen)
•   2/2 Closeouts

Post Receiving Ideas

•   Get your work done before you catch the ball. Use your feet to obtain the proper position to
    catch and score.
•   Verbally call for the ball, and then catch the ball with your eyes and then your hands.
•   Receive the ball with your body low and a strong base of support. Lower and wider is
    better. Your head should be lower on the catch. Absolutely do not pull-out of the pass.
•   Catch perpendicular to the line of the pass. Make a quarter turn in the air to the basket
    when possible.
•   Receive the ball as close to the basket as possible, keep it simple.
•   Receive with two feet, two eyes, and two hands.
•   Post should become a receiver to relieve pressure in a closely guarded situation or a dead
•   Receive ball and immediately put into power spot. Squeeze shoulders to take care of the

Receiving Drills

•   Two Balls and a Tennis Ball
•   One Hand Passing and Catching
•   Reaction Pass
•   Two Ball Pick-ups
•   Kentucky Catch
•   Bad Pass
•   Two Ball Slides

Passing Ideas

•   You must see all of your options upon receiving the ball, stay low until you make the pass
    out to the perimeter. The perimeter options are as follows: relocate to an open area (same
    side, pro spot, opposite corner) or cut to the basket.
•   Read where the double team is coming from and look there for the open man relocating or
    cutting to the basket. Our perimeter players will move with your line of vision.
•   Bounce pass to cutters into the lane, it is the cutter’s responsibility to maintain a distance of
    six feet from the passer.
•   When we catch the ball on the top; our first and primary look is down to the low post, our
    second look is to reverse the ball or take it to the screening action, and our third look is to
    go back to where the ball came from.
•   The best pass from the high to low post is usually the air pass, if making a bounce pass, it
must be thrown hard and low.

Rebounding Ideas

•   Blockout: find your man, make contact outside the lane and move the offense back a step to
    create room to rebound. Now pursue the ball - go get it, upon rebounding the ball, put it in
    the power spot and find the outlet.
•   When dead fronting the low post, if he is an outstanding rebounder, push him under the
    glass so he cannot rebound. Otherwise, throw your arm into the post and spin around to
•   Be a rebounder not a jumper. Go get the ball. Move to rebound, spin, work, go get the ball.
    Go up small and come down big. Jump like a jet, not a rocket.
•   Your first look to outlet is to our wing man running the floor, your next look is to our ball
    handling guard in the outlet area (wing area), and you last look if the guard is denied, is to
    fake the outlet and step through the defense to deliver a flip pass to the cutting guard.

Rebounding and Passing Drills

•   Smash Drill
•   2/1 Rebounding
•   1/1 Rebounding w/ Air Dummies
•   2/2 Blockout and Outlet
•   2/2 Blockout with Big Ball or Reduced Rims
•   Fan out Pass after Receiving a Post Feed
•   Relocation Pass after Receiving a Post Feed, Step Overs
•   Drop Pass to a Cutting Perimeter Player
•   2/0, 2/1, 2/2 High - Low Passing, Read the Defense
•   1/0 Pass, Shoot , Drive Drill

Getting and Staying Open (Sealing) Ideas

•   Getting open is the most important aspect of post play. Getting open, sealing, and catching;
    the better you are at executing these fundamentals, the better post player you will become.
•   Beat the defense down the floor in transition an execute one of the following: 1) outrun
    your opponent to the rim and catch to score, 2) Seal the defender high in the lane by finding
    him and sealing him high, 3) Run defender down the lane and button hook on him, 4) Seal-
    out and catch to score on 3rd side feed.
•   Seal the defender by sitting on his leg, show your numbers to the ball, take up space by
    becoming big and wide. Aggresively establish low post seal and demand the ball, we want
    to be selfish in the post, want the ball. Lower and wider, lower is better!
•   Hold your seal, do not chase the ball around and release the defender. We hold the seal
    with a U-ing motion, maintain contact as long as possible.
•   Sealing is a foot game, post play occurs from the waist down. Keep your head up and your
    back straight to maintain balance, do not push with your back against the post defender, use
    your legs. Keep both hands-up, see the back of your hands with your fingers pointed to the
    ceiling and your forearms parallel to the floor.
•   On any screen-in opportunities, after the cutter clears the screen, find the defender and seal
    him in the lane, lay the lumber to him.
•   On any driving move to the basket, step off the lane (step-outs), up the lane (I-cuts), or into
    the lane (Drop and Hop). Create a passing lane for the driving perimeter player.
•   Back screen for a good shooter, if his defender fights over the screen then re-screen for him
    by screening-in along the lane. When he clears the screen, find your defender and seal him
    in the lane.
•   First side post feeds must be “sweet” (a pass to a sealing post that leads to a non-created
    shot, the post must have paint and/or angles). If we cannot get the ball “sweet”then work
    for second and third side feeds.

Sealing Drills

•   1/1 Sealing with no Ball
•   1/1 Sealing with a Ball
•   1/0 V-Cut Sealing vs. Air Dummy
•   2/2 Transition Seal with High Post Feed
•   4/1 Seal-out
•   2/1 Screen-in with Air Dummy
•   2/2 Back Screen and Rescreen
•   2/3 Zone Work: 1. Screen-in the wing defender, and then step-in and seal the center
                       2. Seal-out vs front for High-Low fees
                       3. Cross screen the center on reversal and then seal-in the lane
                       4. Step-over and duck-in on ball to top from reverse side
                       5. Flash high or short corner for shot or feed

Screening Action Ideas

•   If playing with two post players, screens set with the players on different planes are more
    difficult to defend than flat cross screens. From a high low alignment we can now set more
    effective down, cross, and back screens.
•   When occupied on the reverse side, always position yourself up and off the lane. The block
    is a magnet, do not let it draw you in, have your hands ready to catch and shoot if your
    defender leaves you to help.
•   When receiving screens in the post we have less time and space to set-up our cut.
    Therefore, we simply jab step and go. Cut low and aggressively while reading the defense.
•   In setting flare screens for perimeter players; if the perimeter defender defends by cutting
    under the screen, then we roll to the rim to inhibit his recovery, it the defender chases the
screen we will re-screen or step out on the reverse curl.
•   In setting back screens, pop to the ball when the perimeter cutter clears the screen.
•   It is a good idea to set ball screens on the perimeter if you are not a good shooter and the
    defense does not guard you on the perimeter.
•   If your defender extends out past your screen to help on the cutter, slip to the basket.
•   If the low post catches, always dive to the basket looking for a pass or the rebound.
•   Always look for back door and slip screen opportunities.

Shooting Ideas

•   We have four rules for scoring in the post: 1) Get a piece of the paint, and if you have at
    least one foot in the paint, No Dribble. 2) Shoot the ball closer to the basket than where you
    received the ball. 3) Upon receiving the ball outside of the lane, you are allowed one
    power dribble. 4) Use the glass on all shots unless dunking.
•   Have a go to move and a counter move.
•   Develop a jump hook shot (McHale), we like the two foot jump hook. Catch with a quarter
    turn to set-up the jump hook, gain ground with the dribble where applicable, point your
    shoulder at the rim so that your are perpindicular to the backboard, and deliver the shot off
    of your ear. Slower is better, execution produces positive results.
•   You must have a move to the middle (the jump hook, the turn around jumper (King), any
    move), it sets-up everything else. Without a move to the middle you will only be capable of
    scoring on poor defenders. The baseline power move (Malone) and the up and under move
    (Wilkens) are set-up by your move to the middle.
•   Post men can have a higher shooting pocket, a higher release point than perimeter players,
    because they don’t need to have the range, but they need the height at the release point.
•   Reduced rims that are 2 inches higher and 2 inches smaller really help make the post player
    concentrate on all of his moves. (Dakota Sports: 605-332-2131, 29.95 plus tax)
•   On all power moves; shoot off of two feet for power and balance, have your toes to the
    baseline to protect the ball, keep a low and wide base, maintain vision with your target, and
    carry the ball to the basket with two hands leading with your elbow, and then extend your
    arms. Do not short arm the shot. Never change the shot. You either get fouled or you get it
    blocked. Do not evade contact, search it out, draw the foul and get the three point play.
•   Keep 60 % of your weight on the balls of your feet in executing your post moves.
•   Always remember: Less is More. When you have a foot in the lane, do not dribble.
•   You must post high enough to use the glass on your baseline moves; the jump shot, jump
    hook, and power moves.
•   Concentrate on your target when you are closely guarded, do not look at the defense. You
    cannot work enough with air dummies to teach concentration and balance.
•   The quality of your shots is determined by positioning and body control. You do not win
    championships by taking bad shots.
•   A good post player garners the respect of his opponents by forcing them to double team. If
    doubled at your favorite spot, you can still score. If doubled at your least favorite spots,
    find a teammate diving to the basket or spotting up for a three point shot.
•   Take up space and shoot the ball closer to the rim than where you received it. Do not fade
away! The fade away gives the defender an opportunity to block your shot, put a body on
    your defender and neutralize his athleticism or height advantage.
•   In executing the turn around jump shot (King), pivot on the ball of your foot and keep the
    ball positioned on the ear opposite of your turn. A turn around jump shot substitutes for a
    weak hand jump hook for most players.
•   Get a shot blocked before you shot fake. Our shot fake in the post is a 6 inch shot fake, you
    only need to show the ball to get the defense up in the post. Do not use a foot fake, avoid
    even the impression of a travel, it will pay big dividends later on.
•   When you receive a pass on either the left or right side, this tells you immediately where the
    defender is located. Our perimeter players are taught to pass the ball away from the
•   Shoot to the top of the square on bank shots. We want the ball coming down when it hits
    the glass on all bank shots. This allows you to shoot it over taller defenders.
•   Vary your rhythm in the post. Looking at the cutters can loosen the defense. Making your
    move quickly can help to avoid the double team. You must learn to change speeds. You do
    not need to move fast however to be effective.
•   Post play is based upon location, location, location. Your location, the defenders location,
    and the basket.
•   We cannot have wasted possessions and absolutely no wasted post shots.
•   Flashing vs. zone defense: flash to the short corner on the ball side if your partner is
    defended on the top side, if he is defended on the low side flash high.
•   When catching high, we have the jump shot or the sweep and drive to score.
•   Great post players are excellent free throw shooters. On third of your points as a post player
    should come from the free throw line. Eliminate all negative motion, shoot the same every
    time, finish with a high one second follow-through.
•   Keep your game simple. Know what you can do and who you are. Make the same old
    simple and successful moves rather than fancy unproductive ones. A) Get Open, B) Stay
    Open, C) Receive Safely and Score Simply.

Shooting Drills

•   Transition catch and finish vs. Air Dummy
•   1/0 Post Moves: Go to and Counter Moves (10 each way)
•   1/0 Post Moves: Work on Varying the Rhythm of your Moves
•   1/0 Post Moves: Work vs. Air Dummy
•   Screen-in and Score vs. Air Dummy
•   1/1 vs. Live Defense
•   Perimeter Penetration and Post Shooting: I cuts, Step Outs, Drop Steps
•   2/0 feed Basket cut and Step Over Moves
•   Make 5 in a row Putbacks (Ball cannot hit the floor)
•   Two Ball Shooting off Screening
•   Three Man Two Ball Shooting
•   Three Man Continuos Shooting
•   Zone Shooting
•   Screen Shooting
•   Shooting off Screens
•   Three Post Man Shooting
•   Use of “Shoot-a-ways”

Warm-up Drills

•   Dot Drill
•   Jump Rope (Speed and Heavy)
•   Power Dribbles
•   Shooting Progression
•   Line Jumps
•   Defensive Slides
•   2 Ball Slides
•   2 Ball Pickups
•   Mikan Drill
•   Reverse Mikan Drill
•   Consecutive Power Moves
•   Rim Touch
•   Superman Drill
Tusculum College Basketball                         Sample Summer Post Workout: 60 Minutes

Warm-up and Agility (Pick 5 drills, 5 minutes)

•   Speed Rope
•   Dot Drill
•   Ball Slaps
•   Kentucky Catch
•   Mikan and Reverse

We will spend 30-40 minutes on shooting every day. Repetition and going 100% are the keys
to success. Every shot should be taken from both sides of the lane, turning in both directions,
using both feet to pivot. Ideally, you would want someone to pass you the ball and to make
bad passes to you as well. A toss back is almost as good. If it’s just you, spin the ball out and
receive. Remember, do not shoot the next shot until you have made the previous one.

1. King Move: 4 Shots
       Start under the net, flash above the block (while spinning pass to yourself) catch, turn,
       and score. Alternate sides of the lane and the direction you turn.

2. Flash to Middle: 4 Shots
       Start just off the block, outside the lane, flash to middle of lane and catch, turn and
3. Flash to Elbow: 2 Shots
       Start on block ,flash to opposite elbow, catch and face to score.

4. Shot Fake: 2 Shots
       Same as #3, shot fake and one hard dribble for pull-up jumper.

Free Throw (1+1) Do something to penalize yourself on misses.

5. Wilkens Move: 4 Shots
       Same as first shot series, but catch and execute up and under move.

6. Mchale in the Lane: 4 Shots
      Same as #2 shot series, but shooting right or left handed jump hooks.

7. Short Corner Jumpers: 2 Shots
       Start on block, step out to short corner, spin pass, catch, and score.

8. Jumpers from Trail: 2 Shots
      Run from trail position, shoot in your range, rebound all misses and score.

Free Throws (3’s and 2’s)
9. Mchale on the Lane: 4 Shots
      Same as #1 shot series, but shooting right or left handed jump hooks.

10. Back Screen and Shot: 4 Shots
       Start on the block and spin ball out, step out as you would following a back screen and
       shoot jumper. Rebound all misses and score.

11. Short Corner Shot Fake: 2 Shots
       Same as #7 shot series, shot fake and drive, finish at rim with bank shot.

12. Back Screen and Shot Fake: 2 Shots
       Same as #10, back screen action and shot fake and shoot pull-up jumper, use glass.

Free Throws (Make 10, last set make 10 in a row)

There are no secrets, there is nothing magical. It’s just hard work and repetition at game speed
that develops the ability to score in the post. Chart your shots, and work on becoming faster at
completing your workout each time. The faster you can go and the harder you can make it on
yourself, the easier it will become in the game.

There are a total of 36 shots, go through the circuit 3 to 4 times shooting the “Make 10 Free
Throws” at the end of each circuit. Upon the completion of the last circuit, make 10 in a row
from the free throw line.

                                 Players are made, they are not born!

           There comes a time when winter asks, what have you done all summer?

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Post development

  • 1. Defensive Post Thoughts • Transition: Immediately upon losing possession of the ball, turn and sprint 3 full strides, then find your man and the ball. Maintain your vision of both man and ball as you assume an up and on the line defensive position. Take on the offensive post at the free throw line, absolutely do not allow the offensive post to establish a low post position without resistance. • If two post defenders are defending the opponents post players, they can exchange men in transition if necessary. We want to switch back at the earliest available time. • Denial stance: position on and up the line with back facing the ball and a forearm on the offensive players hip when the ball is on top. • Play 3/4 to high side on medium to high post with ball on the top, play 3/4 low side if the ball is below the top of the key extended. The greatest key in defending the high to medium post is taking away the roll into the low post area. • Absolutely do not get sealed on the high side of the post, if sealed, immediately release and spin to reestablish position. We cannot and will not give-up baseline angles to the basket. • If playing behind an offensive low post, initiate defensive position on the high side to force the post to come off the lane (taking the post out of his comfort zone), on the pass or dribble below the top of key extended jump behind to establish playing behind position. Keep your hands up and use your lower body to keep post out of scoring area. • Offensive low post catches, jump back to create cushion so as not to give up an angle to basket, umbrella ball on all power moves or shots attempted in the paint, contest turn around jump shots. • Absolutely no inside help up on dribble penetration to the middle. Fake at the dribbler, but do not help up, try and force the dribbler to pull-up and shoot the jump shot. • Do not give-up easy scores, do not give-up angles to basket, do not sell out by lunging for the pass. • Emphasize positioning without FOULING. We do not want to foul. • Keep the offensive post in jail when he is caught behind the basket, keep your hands up and umbrella the ball. • On a pass to the top, and low post attempts to seal out vs. our dead front, we want to fight under the low post and push him up the lane as much as possible, and then fight to deny the high low pass. We will take away angles to basket in this fashion. If the post is a good sealer, we may have to play behind to take away the seal-out.
  • 2. On all skip passes, go under low post on baseline side to take away easy score. Work from the baseline up because there is no help here. • Post flashes: on all flashes meet the offensive post with your chest in a denial position, do not give up paint. If the post is a good athlete, body him up immediately and treat him as a cutter off of a screen. We want to establish a physical presence without fouling. • Cross Screen: immediately tag the cutter’s low/baseline hip, the low cut has been taken away by our tagging the cutter, and if the cutter makes a high cut over top of the screen, we must use his momentum to ride him over the screen. The screener defender must open to the ball, so as to see both the ball and the screening action, and protect the basket as well as to give momentary help to a high cut prior to recovering. • Fighting screens: get your forearm up to tag the screen, do not allow the screener to get into your feet, get big, be ultra aggressive, refuse to be screened. • We employ three methods of defending screens on the ball, determined by our opponents skill level and their position on the floor. 1) Screens that occur outside the three point arc are defended primarily by sliding through or under the screen, our screener defender must loosen-up and give our defender room to slide through while favoring the direction of the ball handler. We are now in a position to help on the screen and take away the roll to the basket. 2) Screens occurring inside the arc or with a ball handler that can score off the dribble behind the arc, we trap and recover. We do not allow the ball to get to the screen, and then upon stopping the ball we must sprint to recover. The greatest key to the trap and recover method is our helping the helper action. 3) We can also flatten the screen; we use this method as an alternative vs. a post who is a very good screener on the ball and can then score off the screen by stepping out or rolling to the basket. Our screener defender will push the screener out as far as possible, using his chest and lower body, keeping his hands out of the play, this disallows the screener to roll, and the ball defender slides under the screen. • Help with your body, not with your hands, the key is to now recover to where the offensive man is, not where he has been. • We closeout with high hands, this is of even greater importance to our post players. Smaller players will always attempt to drive it on a post closeout, we want to closeout short to take away the drive but with high hands to defend the shot or pass. • Talk: be a communicator by talking to your teammates on all screening action, cuts, helping situations, and position. Talk is the glue to our defense. • Hold the lane vs. a post that steps out and cannot score from the perimeter. Give help to the drive. Defensive Developmental Drills for Post Players: • 1/1 with no hands (wing to top passes). • 1/1 Skip Pass (use air dummy). • 4/1 Live (live for 30 seconds) • 2/3 Help on Baseline Drive • 4/2 Post (two post players) • 2/2 Screening Situations (cross screen, back screen, down screen, flare screen) • 2/2 Inside with 3 Release (live for 30 seconds)
  • 3. Ball Screens (trap and recover & flatten the screen) • 2/2 Closeouts Post Receiving Ideas • Get your work done before you catch the ball. Use your feet to obtain the proper position to catch and score. • Verbally call for the ball, and then catch the ball with your eyes and then your hands. • Receive the ball with your body low and a strong base of support. Lower and wider is better. Your head should be lower on the catch. Absolutely do not pull-out of the pass. • Catch perpendicular to the line of the pass. Make a quarter turn in the air to the basket when possible. • Receive the ball as close to the basket as possible, keep it simple. • Receive with two feet, two eyes, and two hands. • Post should become a receiver to relieve pressure in a closely guarded situation or a dead ball. • Receive ball and immediately put into power spot. Squeeze shoulders to take care of the ball. Receiving Drills • Two Balls and a Tennis Ball • One Hand Passing and Catching • Reaction Pass • Two Ball Pick-ups • Kentucky Catch • Bad Pass • Two Ball Slides Passing Ideas • You must see all of your options upon receiving the ball, stay low until you make the pass out to the perimeter. The perimeter options are as follows: relocate to an open area (same side, pro spot, opposite corner) or cut to the basket. • Read where the double team is coming from and look there for the open man relocating or cutting to the basket. Our perimeter players will move with your line of vision. • Bounce pass to cutters into the lane, it is the cutter’s responsibility to maintain a distance of six feet from the passer. • When we catch the ball on the top; our first and primary look is down to the low post, our second look is to reverse the ball or take it to the screening action, and our third look is to go back to where the ball came from. • The best pass from the high to low post is usually the air pass, if making a bounce pass, it
  • 4. must be thrown hard and low. Rebounding Ideas • Blockout: find your man, make contact outside the lane and move the offense back a step to create room to rebound. Now pursue the ball - go get it, upon rebounding the ball, put it in the power spot and find the outlet. • When dead fronting the low post, if he is an outstanding rebounder, push him under the glass so he cannot rebound. Otherwise, throw your arm into the post and spin around to rebound. • Be a rebounder not a jumper. Go get the ball. Move to rebound, spin, work, go get the ball. Go up small and come down big. Jump like a jet, not a rocket. • Your first look to outlet is to our wing man running the floor, your next look is to our ball handling guard in the outlet area (wing area), and you last look if the guard is denied, is to fake the outlet and step through the defense to deliver a flip pass to the cutting guard. Rebounding and Passing Drills • Smash Drill • 2/1 Rebounding • 1/1 Rebounding w/ Air Dummies • 2/2 Blockout and Outlet • 2/2 Blockout with Big Ball or Reduced Rims • Fan out Pass after Receiving a Post Feed • Relocation Pass after Receiving a Post Feed, Step Overs • Drop Pass to a Cutting Perimeter Player • 2/0, 2/1, 2/2 High - Low Passing, Read the Defense • 1/0 Pass, Shoot , Drive Drill Getting and Staying Open (Sealing) Ideas • Getting open is the most important aspect of post play. Getting open, sealing, and catching; the better you are at executing these fundamentals, the better post player you will become. • Beat the defense down the floor in transition an execute one of the following: 1) outrun your opponent to the rim and catch to score, 2) Seal the defender high in the lane by finding him and sealing him high, 3) Run defender down the lane and button hook on him, 4) Seal- out and catch to score on 3rd side feed. • Seal the defender by sitting on his leg, show your numbers to the ball, take up space by becoming big and wide. Aggresively establish low post seal and demand the ball, we want to be selfish in the post, want the ball. Lower and wider, lower is better! • Hold your seal, do not chase the ball around and release the defender. We hold the seal with a U-ing motion, maintain contact as long as possible.
  • 5. Sealing is a foot game, post play occurs from the waist down. Keep your head up and your back straight to maintain balance, do not push with your back against the post defender, use your legs. Keep both hands-up, see the back of your hands with your fingers pointed to the ceiling and your forearms parallel to the floor. • On any screen-in opportunities, after the cutter clears the screen, find the defender and seal him in the lane, lay the lumber to him. • On any driving move to the basket, step off the lane (step-outs), up the lane (I-cuts), or into the lane (Drop and Hop). Create a passing lane for the driving perimeter player. • Back screen for a good shooter, if his defender fights over the screen then re-screen for him by screening-in along the lane. When he clears the screen, find your defender and seal him in the lane. • First side post feeds must be “sweet” (a pass to a sealing post that leads to a non-created shot, the post must have paint and/or angles). If we cannot get the ball “sweet”then work for second and third side feeds. Sealing Drills • 1/1 Sealing with no Ball • 1/1 Sealing with a Ball • 1/0 V-Cut Sealing vs. Air Dummy • 2/2 Transition Seal with High Post Feed • 4/1 Seal-out • 2/1 Screen-in with Air Dummy • 2/2 Back Screen and Rescreen • 2/3 Zone Work: 1. Screen-in the wing defender, and then step-in and seal the center 2. Seal-out vs front for High-Low fees 3. Cross screen the center on reversal and then seal-in the lane 4. Step-over and duck-in on ball to top from reverse side 5. Flash high or short corner for shot or feed Screening Action Ideas • If playing with two post players, screens set with the players on different planes are more difficult to defend than flat cross screens. From a high low alignment we can now set more effective down, cross, and back screens. • When occupied on the reverse side, always position yourself up and off the lane. The block is a magnet, do not let it draw you in, have your hands ready to catch and shoot if your defender leaves you to help. • When receiving screens in the post we have less time and space to set-up our cut. Therefore, we simply jab step and go. Cut low and aggressively while reading the defense. • In setting flare screens for perimeter players; if the perimeter defender defends by cutting under the screen, then we roll to the rim to inhibit his recovery, it the defender chases the
  • 6. screen we will re-screen or step out on the reverse curl. • In setting back screens, pop to the ball when the perimeter cutter clears the screen. • It is a good idea to set ball screens on the perimeter if you are not a good shooter and the defense does not guard you on the perimeter. • If your defender extends out past your screen to help on the cutter, slip to the basket. • If the low post catches, always dive to the basket looking for a pass or the rebound. • Always look for back door and slip screen opportunities. Shooting Ideas • We have four rules for scoring in the post: 1) Get a piece of the paint, and if you have at least one foot in the paint, No Dribble. 2) Shoot the ball closer to the basket than where you received the ball. 3) Upon receiving the ball outside of the lane, you are allowed one power dribble. 4) Use the glass on all shots unless dunking. • Have a go to move and a counter move. • Develop a jump hook shot (McHale), we like the two foot jump hook. Catch with a quarter turn to set-up the jump hook, gain ground with the dribble where applicable, point your shoulder at the rim so that your are perpindicular to the backboard, and deliver the shot off of your ear. Slower is better, execution produces positive results. • You must have a move to the middle (the jump hook, the turn around jumper (King), any move), it sets-up everything else. Without a move to the middle you will only be capable of scoring on poor defenders. The baseline power move (Malone) and the up and under move (Wilkens) are set-up by your move to the middle. • Post men can have a higher shooting pocket, a higher release point than perimeter players, because they don’t need to have the range, but they need the height at the release point. • Reduced rims that are 2 inches higher and 2 inches smaller really help make the post player concentrate on all of his moves. (Dakota Sports: 605-332-2131, 29.95 plus tax) • On all power moves; shoot off of two feet for power and balance, have your toes to the baseline to protect the ball, keep a low and wide base, maintain vision with your target, and carry the ball to the basket with two hands leading with your elbow, and then extend your arms. Do not short arm the shot. Never change the shot. You either get fouled or you get it blocked. Do not evade contact, search it out, draw the foul and get the three point play. • Keep 60 % of your weight on the balls of your feet in executing your post moves. • Always remember: Less is More. When you have a foot in the lane, do not dribble. • You must post high enough to use the glass on your baseline moves; the jump shot, jump hook, and power moves. • Concentrate on your target when you are closely guarded, do not look at the defense. You cannot work enough with air dummies to teach concentration and balance. • The quality of your shots is determined by positioning and body control. You do not win championships by taking bad shots. • A good post player garners the respect of his opponents by forcing them to double team. If doubled at your favorite spot, you can still score. If doubled at your least favorite spots, find a teammate diving to the basket or spotting up for a three point shot. • Take up space and shoot the ball closer to the rim than where you received it. Do not fade
  • 7. away! The fade away gives the defender an opportunity to block your shot, put a body on your defender and neutralize his athleticism or height advantage. • In executing the turn around jump shot (King), pivot on the ball of your foot and keep the ball positioned on the ear opposite of your turn. A turn around jump shot substitutes for a weak hand jump hook for most players. • Get a shot blocked before you shot fake. Our shot fake in the post is a 6 inch shot fake, you only need to show the ball to get the defense up in the post. Do not use a foot fake, avoid even the impression of a travel, it will pay big dividends later on. • When you receive a pass on either the left or right side, this tells you immediately where the defender is located. Our perimeter players are taught to pass the ball away from the defense. • Shoot to the top of the square on bank shots. We want the ball coming down when it hits the glass on all bank shots. This allows you to shoot it over taller defenders. • Vary your rhythm in the post. Looking at the cutters can loosen the defense. Making your move quickly can help to avoid the double team. You must learn to change speeds. You do not need to move fast however to be effective. • Post play is based upon location, location, location. Your location, the defenders location, and the basket. • We cannot have wasted possessions and absolutely no wasted post shots. • Flashing vs. zone defense: flash to the short corner on the ball side if your partner is defended on the top side, if he is defended on the low side flash high. • When catching high, we have the jump shot or the sweep and drive to score. • Great post players are excellent free throw shooters. On third of your points as a post player should come from the free throw line. Eliminate all negative motion, shoot the same every time, finish with a high one second follow-through. • Keep your game simple. Know what you can do and who you are. Make the same old simple and successful moves rather than fancy unproductive ones. A) Get Open, B) Stay Open, C) Receive Safely and Score Simply. Shooting Drills • Transition catch and finish vs. Air Dummy • 1/0 Post Moves: Go to and Counter Moves (10 each way) • 1/0 Post Moves: Work on Varying the Rhythm of your Moves • 1/0 Post Moves: Work vs. Air Dummy • Screen-in and Score vs. Air Dummy • 1/1 vs. Live Defense • Perimeter Penetration and Post Shooting: I cuts, Step Outs, Drop Steps • 2/0 feed Basket cut and Step Over Moves • Make 5 in a row Putbacks (Ball cannot hit the floor) • Two Ball Shooting off Screening • Three Man Two Ball Shooting • Three Man Continuos Shooting
  • 8. Zone Shooting • Screen Shooting • Shooting off Screens • Three Post Man Shooting • Use of “Shoot-a-ways” Warm-up Drills • Dot Drill • Jump Rope (Speed and Heavy) • Power Dribbles • Shooting Progression • Line Jumps • Defensive Slides • 2 Ball Slides • 2 Ball Pickups • Mikan Drill • Reverse Mikan Drill • Consecutive Power Moves • Rim Touch • Superman Drill
  • 9. Tusculum College Basketball Sample Summer Post Workout: 60 Minutes Warm-up and Agility (Pick 5 drills, 5 minutes) • Speed Rope • Dot Drill • Ball Slaps • Kentucky Catch • Mikan and Reverse Shooting We will spend 30-40 minutes on shooting every day. Repetition and going 100% are the keys to success. Every shot should be taken from both sides of the lane, turning in both directions, using both feet to pivot. Ideally, you would want someone to pass you the ball and to make bad passes to you as well. A toss back is almost as good. If it’s just you, spin the ball out and receive. Remember, do not shoot the next shot until you have made the previous one. 1. King Move: 4 Shots Start under the net, flash above the block (while spinning pass to yourself) catch, turn, and score. Alternate sides of the lane and the direction you turn. 2. Flash to Middle: 4 Shots Start just off the block, outside the lane, flash to middle of lane and catch, turn and score. 3. Flash to Elbow: 2 Shots Start on block ,flash to opposite elbow, catch and face to score. 4. Shot Fake: 2 Shots Same as #3, shot fake and one hard dribble for pull-up jumper. Free Throw (1+1) Do something to penalize yourself on misses. 5. Wilkens Move: 4 Shots Same as first shot series, but catch and execute up and under move. 6. Mchale in the Lane: 4 Shots Same as #2 shot series, but shooting right or left handed jump hooks. 7. Short Corner Jumpers: 2 Shots Start on block, step out to short corner, spin pass, catch, and score. 8. Jumpers from Trail: 2 Shots Run from trail position, shoot in your range, rebound all misses and score. Free Throws (3’s and 2’s)
  • 10. 9. Mchale on the Lane: 4 Shots Same as #1 shot series, but shooting right or left handed jump hooks. 10. Back Screen and Shot: 4 Shots Start on the block and spin ball out, step out as you would following a back screen and shoot jumper. Rebound all misses and score. 11. Short Corner Shot Fake: 2 Shots Same as #7 shot series, shot fake and drive, finish at rim with bank shot. 12. Back Screen and Shot Fake: 2 Shots Same as #10, back screen action and shot fake and shoot pull-up jumper, use glass. Free Throws (Make 10, last set make 10 in a row) There are no secrets, there is nothing magical. It’s just hard work and repetition at game speed that develops the ability to score in the post. Chart your shots, and work on becoming faster at completing your workout each time. The faster you can go and the harder you can make it on yourself, the easier it will become in the game. There are a total of 36 shots, go through the circuit 3 to 4 times shooting the “Make 10 Free Throws” at the end of each circuit. Upon the completion of the last circuit, make 10 in a row from the free throw line. Players are made, they are not born! There comes a time when winter asks, what have you done all summer?